What Greenpoxy ?
Sicomin is committed to producing chemicals in a more environmentally responsible manner. By using renewable raw materials, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption. We work every day to develop greener, more sustainable chemistry.
Our biobased products are developed from renewable resources that do not compete with the food industry, since they are synthesized from waste from green industries. Recovering these wastes encourages the development of a more sustainable and circular chemistry.
What Greenpoxy ?
Sicomin is committed to producing chemicals in a more environmentally responsible manner. By using renewable raw materials, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption. We work every day to develop greener, more sustainable chemistry.
Our biobased products are developed from renewable resources that do not compete with the food industry, since they are synthesized from waste from green industries. Recovering these wastes encourages the development of a more sustainable and circular chemistry.
Latest technology
New-generation biobased epoxy systems for clarity, color and performance. Industrial quantities available.
Reducing carbon footprint
Thanks to this synthesis process, carbon dioxide emissions are reduced by 60%.